Finishing on top

Text: John 19: 30
“It Is Finished” was the last statement Jesus made on the Cross of Calvary at crucifixion. The above statement is significant and indicates that Jesus Christ finished the assignment of man’s salvation well. He paid the utmost and excruciating price for mankind’s salvation. Christ did not owe any man, which is why it was easy for Him to openly declare that: “It is finished.”

As the curtain of 2020 is drawn, can you boldly say that you have finished your course for the passing year successfully? Any assignment given by God to man that was neglected in the passing year is a sign of failure. The work of God committed into your hands, but was left unattended to shows you did not finish the year well. There are people in your churches who sacrificed their time, profession and occupations to propagate the gospel across the world; what have you done to encourage such missionaries and mission work? You may not be privileged to be a missionary, but your money can do the evangelism by sponsoring whatever concerns that missionary journey.

If you are self-willed and self-centered such that you do not care or visit your brethren in the same church, you may have not finished the year well. God is not interested in people who are disobedient to His Word. If we are actually Christians and followers of Christ, we must ensure we follow the dictates of God’s Word. There are many needy ones in our midst. We know their poor state, but close our bowels of mercies and look away from their needs.

Jesus Christ is a pattern for all believers to follow. While He was on earth, He did not leave any stone unturned. He made sure He finished His programme. Paul the Apostle finished well. He knew his calling and purpose. He followed it up until he left this world. He finished well! He gave his life for the gospel. He suffered severely in the hands of the heathen, but did not give up! He persevered because he was persuaded. He ended with joy (2 Cor. 11:21-30).

Paul was a sacrifice to the Gentile; but he did not complain. He followed his assignment on earth because he did not want to make excuses. The parting word of Paul showed that there was nothing left for him to do. He fought a good fight of faith. He poured out himself to humanity.

Unlike Paul, some people do not know why they are on earth. They float around the surface of the earth. Many people in the church are debtors: They owe God and humanity. There are souls they were supposed to win for Christ and bring to the Kingdom of God, but they never did. There are people around them that need the love and care of Christ, but they shut their fountain of kindness against them.

Some preachers are also debtors to God and men. They distort the Word of God and teach men in part. They are not faithful in declaring the whole truth of the gospel. Their messages are defined by the calibre of men in their churches. They are not bold enough to tell politicians in their midst to repent and turn away from sin. These are crops of unfaithful preachers. They cannot say that as the year has rounded off that they finished well. Those who are silent in Zion need to arise today and wake up to their duty.

• Further reading: Matt. 25:18-19, 24-30;Gal. 6:10; Matt. 25: 31-46; Heb. 12:2; Psalms 40:10;Luke 24:44: Henmb. 10-7;Acts 2614-19; 2 Cor. 11:21-30.

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