Fireman faults claim that God the Father is omnipresent

A Lagos-based cleric, Sign Fireman has argued that it is wrong to say that God the Father is omnipresent, insisting that such teaching is misleading and unscriptural.

He made this known in Lagos, while launching his book titled: “The Final Move of God.” He said for centuries, the Trinity remains controversial. The teachings on trinity, according to him, came out of arguments that happened for centuries.

“A lot of popular teachings are not found in the Bible that God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are omnipresent. But the truth is that in Psalm 139:7, this is the scripture used to teach that God is omnipresent. And there is nowhere you are that God cannot reach you. It is God the Holy Ghost that is omnipresent and not God the father and God the Son,” he said.

Contending that the three members of the Trinity are not the same, the cleric noted that they don’t have the same attributes, but God the Father is omniscient and not omnipresent. He maintained that The Final Move Of God,’ will stir controversy, as each chapter, according to him, has extremely controversial topics.

The author informs that God won’t write a new Bible to make the promises of His Word answered. Rather, He would take the same Bible and show mistakes in the teachings of the same Bible and that will present the correct revelations.

Explaining further about his book, Fireman argued that God never said Adam and Eve ate apple in the Bible. According to him, “We were all taught from childhood that Adam and Eve ate an apple in the Garden of Eden. In the scripture, there is no mention of Adam and Eve eating apples. It is not in the Bible. Genesis 3: 1-3 tells Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the Garden. “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?’

Similarly, he said, three wise men did not visit Jesus Christ, but wise men and he quoted Matt 2:1 to buttress his argument.


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