Firm brings festive cheer to Mushin kids

Rite Foods Limited has partnered with Nigerian chess master and coach, Tunde Onakoya, to bring festive cheer and empower children in Mushin through the “Chess for Christmas Mushin” initiative.

The event, which held from 11.00am to 4.00pm on December 23, 2023, provided a platform for chess training, talent showcases, and fun games, promoting the Bigi brand and its commitment to social responsibility.

Bigi saw this event as an opportunity to build a positive brand image and enhance its reputation through its association with a meaningful initiative.

Rite Foods’ communication efforts throughout the event focused on promoting the brand, including its popular Rite Sausage rolls and Sosa Fruit Drinks, aside from demonstrating its dedication to supporting underprivileged communities.

The programme went beyond just chess competition. Children participated in literacy challenges like spelling bees, showcasing their academic abilities. Fun games like snakes and ladders, Ludo, and bouncing castles kept the energy high throughout the event.

The winner of the spelling bee competition received a one-year scholarship courtesy of Octa, while the first and second runners-up were awarded laptops as part of their back-to-school kits sponsored by Rite Foods.

A highlight of the event was the chess competition between children from Mushin and Ikorodu. It was inspiring to witness the skill and talent displayed by children from underserved communities, demonstrating the power of chess as a tool for empowerment and opportunity.

The Assistant Brand Manager for Bigi at Rite Foods Limited, Biola Aransiola, said the initiative was intended at bringing excitement to the children through the company’s unique brands which the yuletide season connotes.

“Also, to keep them fit for a better academic future. Through its support of this initiative, the brand has demonstrated its commitment to social responsibility and community development. The event was not just about chess; it was about celebrating the potential of children in underserved communities, providing them with opportunities to learn, express themselves, and have fun. The success of Chess for Christmas Mushin reinforces brand values and its dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of Nigerians.”


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