Firm celebrates teen customers on children’s day

MTN Group
MTN Nigeria

MTN Nigeria marked this year’s Children’s Day with a spectacular celebration in the Y’elloVerse, an immersive digital platform designed to engage and entertain kids and teens.

The four-day engagement which started from May 24 to 27, 2024, brought together thousands of young participants from across the country, offering a blend of fun, education, and interactive activities.

Children’s Day in the Y’elloVerse featured a variety of engaging programmes tailored to teen between the ages of 9 and 15 years, ensuring every child within this age range had something to enjoy.

The virtual event was a testament to MTN Nigeria’s commitment to fostering creativity, learning, and digital literacy among the younger generation.
One of the main highlights were the gifts given daily throughout the campaign, as 100 mpulse teenagers got the opportunity to win vouchers worth N15,000.

The campaign also included educational quizzes and games that tested participants’ knowledge in subjects like mathematics, science, and general knowledge.
Virtual competitions and contests added an element of excitement and competition to the celebration with young Nigerians showcasing their talent in coding, art, and writing contests, while top performers receive accolades and rewards for their outstanding efforts.

The Y’elloVerse also provides a platform for kids to express their creativity through Avatar Customisation and Digital Space Design. Participants had the opportunity to create personalised avatars and design their digital spaces, allowing them to explore and interact within the virtual environment in unique ways.


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