Firm introduces ginger-based health drink

EECON Global Services Limited, a major player in the food and beverage sector in Nigeria, has introduced product Top More Ginger Ale drink into the Nigerian market in order to keep people medical fit.

Top More Ginger Ale is made purely from natural herbal supplements including ginseng and ginger extract, which assist in the overall stimulation and anti-inflammatory effects of human body functions. Ginseng and ginger are also known to protect the heart and arteries, relief stress and help to control weight and blood sugar in the body.

Speaking at the media launch of Top More Ginger Ale in Lagos at the weekend, Engr. Nnamdi Unachukwu, Chairman of EECON Global said the introduction of Top More Ginger Ale health drink into the Nigerian market will re-ignite the waning culture of drinking ginger ale among health conscious Nigerians.

“The fear of falling ill due to rising cases of diabetes, obesity and cancer is responsible for the decline in consumption of beverages especially fizzy drinks among Nigerians who are increasingly becoming health conscious. We decided to introduce Top More in this market because of its amazing health benefits. Ginseng extract in Top More is known to promote relaxation by reducing stress while giving energy and acting as a mental stimulant.

