Firm introduces multivitamin-fortified milk for ‘nursing’ mothers, others

OFTENTIMES, the daunting tasks of taking care of the family gives mothers no room to think of themselves and how to also take good care of their own health; a negligence also deeply into by the people around them.

   As a result of this gap, FrieslandCampina WAMCO has repositioned Three Crowns milk, now in powder, as a brand that cares for mums so they can continue to take extra care of the family.

   Milk is an important part of our diet. We begin drinking it when we are young, but our intake decreases as we get older. Some people shy away from it because they fear that it will add too much fat to their diet. Others leave it out because they believe that they no longer need it. You are never too old to reap the rewards of drinking milk. It is a great source of vitamins and nutrients, and it has several health benefits, such as: glowing skin, healthy bones and teeth, muscles, weight loss, less stress and healthy body among others.

   Speaking at the unveiling of the new Three Crown milk in 380g and 30g powder form in Lagos last week, the Managing Director, Rahul Colaco said that there is a lot in milk that is beneficial to the health of not only the mothers, but the generality of humans.

   He noted that the new entrant of the Three Crown in powder into Nigeria’s market is out of the company’s great responsibility to provide affordable, innovative and healthy nutrition.    

   Introducing a new pay-off for the milk: “Healthy Mums, Happy Families”, the Marketing Director, Tarang Gupta said that the mother’s role in a family is to nurture lives and take care of the family, but asked, “Who takes care of her?”

   He described Three Crowns as mum’s best friend in caring for the family, adding, “Mothers therefore choose Three Crowns out of the love they have for their families and their need to take extra care of them.The role of the Nigerian woman is very demanding and she sometimes unconsciously forgets to take care of herself while caring for the family. That is why Three Crowns milk is there to support them.”

   Meanwhile, the Senior Brand Manager, Three Crowns, Maureen Ifada during her presentation described the product as a healthy choice which understands the very important roles of mothers and also a product borne out of love for the company’s consumers.

   According to her, “Three Crowns is a healthy choice because it is low in cholesterol to keep them fit and healthy; it has a great taste and contains 28 vitamins and minerals needed to support daily growth and body maintenance. Most importantly, it is made with mums love because Three Crowns understands the very important role of mothers as anchors of the family and is committed to helping mums stay fit and healthy so she can take extra care of her family.”

   Quoting a thought of a mum who said: “My job as a mum is so demanding that I often forget to take good care of myself”, she noted that mothers shouldn’t leave themselves uncared for because they are taking care of others stating: “you are a consumer as well as a provider, your job as a mum is not only to take of the family, you also need to take care of yourself by eating right and making healthy choices. 

   “As a woman, you are a very important member of the family. When you take care of yourself, you are happier, healthy and more fulfilled; and you have the energy to take care of the family.

