Firm provides solution for church administration

COMPLUSTECH Nigeria Limited has introduced Church+ v2 solution, which will assist churches, fellowships and ministries to overcome administrative and management challenges.

   The Chief Executive Officer of the company, Peter Ihesie, said the application was aimed at facilitating churches build better relationship with members, manage full administrative operations, improve communications and connections and measure performance at any time.

   Ihesie said that due to Church+’s flexibility, “seamless and user-friendly interface,” they were upbeat to reach at least 10,000 churches across the country within the next six months.

   He said that Church+ v2, apart from being an amazing, simple and effective software for church management and administration, offered users better membership management, performance analysis, accounting, and improved SMS and e-mail communication.

   “Today, in Nigeria, Church+ remains the right solution, with cutting-edge advantages, offering automated birthday and anniversary e-mail and SMS messages to members on special days. This improves the member to church relationships, thereby reducing outflow.

  “It offers effective church performance management and helps the churches measure progress better.”

