Firm woos investors to aid funding of startups in Africa

Aerial view of Victoria Island, Lagos

United States-based Tekedia Capital has launched a new syndicate funding cycle to attract individuals and organisations to co-invest in tech startups across the world to advance the spirit of entrepreneurial capitalism through the creation of viable funding opportunities.

Speaking on the launch of the new funding cycle, chairman of the venture capital firm, Prof. Ndubuisi Ekekwe, noted the dire need to support early-stage tech companies across Africa to deepen economic growth and advance local communities.

The Tekedia Capital Syndicate investment cycle, which will end on May 8, 2023, seeks to pool funds from investors to upscale the business activities of promising Africa-based tech firms, irrespective of the sectors they operate in. This is to leverage the firm’s extensive grassroots connections to enhance the process of building tech unicorns out of Africa.

“Economic projections about Africa indicate that the continent is on the part of economic ascensions due to the innovation and ingenuity of young people. This is made evident as recent developments reveal that the continent is experiencing a Cambrian moment, where tech-anchored startups are rapidly re-wiring markets, leading to transformations in the industrial sector.

“It is against this backdrop that we at Tekedia Capital support these companies, and are inviting interested persons, organisations and governments to co-invest through our syndicate funds in these tech companies. Here, we are funding future economic empires for shared prosperity in Africa,” he said.

Tekedia Capital is a pan-African venture syndicate company that is passionate about funding the foundations of the next African economy. The firm has invested millions of dollars in multiple tech companies like Touch and Pay (the team behind Lagos State Cowry Card), Mintyn, OurPass, Mecho Autotech, Kladot and Bitmama.
