Firms partner to bridge talent gap in tech

Blakskill Limited and Tritek Consulting Limited have announced a strategic partnership aimed at bridging the gap for talents in the tech industry and facilitating the seamless integration of candidates into meaningful roles.

The firms said the collaboration is driven by a shared vision to create opportunities for candidates trained to secure impactful roles in the sector

The Chief Executive Officer popHe said by leveraging each other’s strengths, both parties aim to create a more inclusive tech ecosystem where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Onojola explained that Tritek Consulting Ltd will bring forth its pool of talented candidates, while Blakskill Ltd will provide the essential platform and resources to facilitate the placement of these candidates in meaningful roles.

“Blakskill is excited to join forces with Tritek Consulting Limited to address the challenges faced by minorities in the tech industry. Through this partnership, we aim to not only provide opportunities for talented individuals but also contribute to building a more diverse and vibrant tech community as well as helping to improve the unemployment rate in Sub-Saharan Africa,” he stated.


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