Fit in sharp

Being fashionable is to have a sense of all round style that fits into all seasons and occasions, be it for corporate functions, societal events and gatherings, as well as casual outings.

To fit in is to dress the part without over dressing or under dressing.
Striking dress balance

• What is the occasion? – The first question is to know the occasion you’re dressing for. This would aid your ability to choose what to wear and style yourself appropriately.

• Standard – Who are the category of people attending the occasion or event? If it is a high profile personality event and you lower your dress standard, fitting into such an event would be difficult. You might just find yourself feeling embarrassed, unhappy, disconnected and unable to move around for networking, pleasantries and taking pictures with pairs. However, if it’s a casual, low key gathering, or some simple outdoor or indoor events or hangout and you raise your dress style bar to the rooftop, the outcome would be an over-dressing fashion disaster. So knowing the standard of the event you’re attending would help you to dress the part.

• Dress Code – Checking if there is a dress code for events, and dressing accordingly would perfectly eradicate under dressing or over dressing crisis.

Ask what others are wearing – If you don’t have the details of the event you’re attending and you’re in doubt of what to wear, ask your friends or colleagues what they are wearing and dress their part.
