Five Year Old Boy Dies After Swallowing Drawing Pin

A five-year-old Kyle Lewis passed away in October 2022 after accidentally swallowing a one-inch drawing pin at his uncle’s home in Thrybergh, near Rotherham.

Despite efforts by medical staff at Rotherham District General Hospital, the pin obstructed Kyle’s airway, leading to oxygen loss.

Two days later, on October 28, Kyle’s parents, Mark and Emma Lewis, had to make the difficult decision to turn off his life support at Leeds General Infirmary due to severe brain oxygen deprivation.

His parents expressed their devastation, stating, “Losing Kyle has broken us beyond words. We love him and miss him forever.”

The inquest at Doncaster coroner’s court revealed the heartbreaking details, with the pathologist confirming the presence of the pin during the post-mortem. The family is left grappling with this tragic loss, and the inquest continues.
