Follow These 10 Tips To Get The Perfect Face Beat In 10 Minutes

Y2K Nollywood Makeup. Photo @Babenextdoor

Looking good is all in a day’s work.

But trying to get a full face of makeup while rushing to get your day started may take even more than a day’s work.

So how do you skip this process? By simply understanding the basics of makeup, but not to worry, we’ll help you.

All you have to do is follow these 10 tips to get the perfect face beat in 10 minutes:

  • Start With The Eyes

If you’re trying to get your makeup done fast and efficiently, then starting from the eyes is the best way to go. This way, you can be sure you won’t make any mistakes while applying your face makeup.

If you make any mistakes, you can easily clean off with a wipe and move on like nothing ever happened.

  • Using Your Fingers Could Speed Things Up

When trying to speed up your makeup process, you shouldn’t have to worry about blending your makeup with a blender or brush properly. This is where clean fingers come in; even makeup pros can confess to blending out their makeup every once in a while with their fingers.

So make sure to properly clean your fingers and use that in blending out the makeup products you apply.

  • Damp Beauty Blenders To The Rescue

If using your fingers doesn’t work for you, you can always pick up your beauty blender. The only rule is to make sure your blender is damp, not dry.

A damp blender doesn’t only absorb less product, it also allows for a flawless application. So, hold your blender under lukewarm water for 30 seconds, making sure to squeeze thoroughly to remove any excess water.

  • Multitask Products Where You Can

Very often, one makeup product might perform more than one function. So to speed up your application process, try using multi-purpose products. For instance, some foundations might double as a concealer which saves you the stress of double application.

  • Use The Right Brow Product

Drawing your brows often takes the most time when applying makeup. So, opt for brow products that would speed up the process. Maybe one with a spoolie on one side and a pencil on the other to save on time.

Or turn to the fluffy soap brows that has everyone going nuts on Tiktok.

  • Keep Mistakes Till Later

There’s a 100% chance you’ll make a mistake while doing your makeup and even more while you’re rushing.

So even if you smudge your mascara, maybe hold off wiping it while its wet to avoid making a bigger mess. Follow this rule, and you’re bound to avoid making bigger mistakes from smaller ones.

  • Skincare Products YES!

Great skin makes a great base for the perfect face beat. And especially while you’re rushing to get things done. To cleanse, exfoliate at least twice weekly and slather your face with the premium skincare products it needs.

  • Lip Gloss Me

For a faster finish, replace elaborate lip looks with just lip gloss. The perfect glossy lips is bound to have all eyes on you, so two birds one stone.

  • Eyeliner Yess!

Use a fork to draw an angle to get the perfect eyeliner wing.

  • Lipstick As Blush

Can’t find your blush in a rush, create your own blush using a pink lipstick and some blush.

  • Finally, Dewy Makeup For The Win

Lastly, dewy makeup is always easier and faster to pull off, so save the glamorous face beats for later.


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