Football federation keeps mum on Argentina friendly for Eagles

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), yesterday, said that it has neither announced any friendly game against Argentina nor cancelled the reported encounter between the Super Eagles and the Albiceleste in the United States.

Late last month, there were reports that the Super Eagles would meet the World Cup champions for the seventh time in China during the South American champions’ tour of Asia.

The friendly was reportedly cancelled because the Chinese authorities were angry that the World Footballer of the Year, Lionel Messi, failed to appear in some charity friendlies as advertised by the organisers of the tour.

However, another report yesterday said that the game between Nigeria and Argentina has been cancelled due to logistical issues, including difficulty in securing travelling visas for the Nigerian contingent.

The reports said the NFF was looking for alternative opponents for the Super Eagles during the forthcoming FIFA window. But a top official of the NFF told The Guardian that all the reports are mere speculations.

He said: “We have not announced any friendly game because we are still negotiating with the Argentine federation,” the source, who pleaded anonymity, said.

“There are certain things parties must agree to before any friendly game and we have not arrived at any agreement.

“Visas for players are not so much of a problem because we have a way of sorting out these things. Besides in this administration, only the players, coaches and those with certain duties travel for away friendly games. So, it is easy for us to secure visas for them.

“When the time comes, we will announce whether there will be a friendly and when,” he said. Apart from Nigeria, Argentina has also announced a friendly game with African Champions, Cote d’Ivoire, as part of their preparation for this summer’s Copa America.


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