Former beauty queen embarks on transformative journey: From crown to cross

Mrs. Mitchel Ukachukwu, formerly known as Ugochi Mitchel Ihezue, the former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) 2017 and Miss Universe Nigeria 2023, through her non-profit organization, Mitchel Ukachukwu Foundation, has embarked on a remarkable journey of spiritual enlightenment and humanitarian service. Embracing her new role as a gospel evangelist, Mrs. Ukachukwu is poised to redefine the concept of beauty and impact lives beyond the runway.

With a heart dedicated to service, Mrs. Ukachukwu announces her visit to the Kuje Medium Security Custodial Center of the Nigerian Correctional Services on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. This visit marks her commitment to effecting positive change in society.

Recognizing the power of her platform, Mrs. Ukachukwu seeks to leverage her pageantry history and humanitarian services to create lasting social impact. Her transition from beauty queen to gospel evangelist is a testament to her unwavering dedication to spreading love, hope, and redemption.

During her visit to the Kuje Custodial Center, Mrs. Ukachukwu will not only donate essential commodities but also facilitate the release of 12 convicts from the 3 correctional facilities in and around Abuja, who are sentenced with the option of fines. This gesture of compassion and empathy reflects her belief in the inherent worth and potential for transformation within each individual.

In a world often defined by superficiality, Mrs. Ukachukwu’s journey stands as a beacon of authenticity and purpose. Through her humanitarian efforts, she aims to inspire others to embrace their true selves and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.
