Foundation asks well-meaning Nigerians to assist the needy

Nigeria-Niger-Unrest-IslamistsTOWER of Refuge Motherless/ Orphanage Babies Home, a charity organisation, has called on well-meaning individuals to better the lives of the less-privileged in the society by donating to motherless babies homes.

The Executive Director/Matron of the organization, Evang. Mercy Arinze, made the call recently at the occasion to mark the second anniversary of the organization at Orile Iganmu, Lagos.

“The organisation is driving positive socio-economic change across the nation and society at large by empowering orphans, less-privileged, motherless and abandoned babies, displaced children and the needy with necessary tools required to realise their full potentials in order for them to emerge as successful individuals, who will contribute meaningfully to the development of their future, and the nation at large.

“Our activities include education support, psychological support, medical support among others.”

She said the organisation would continue to add value to the lives of orphans and less-privileged while appealing to well-to-do Nigerians to help the less-privileged with their resources, as this would go a long way in giving them hope and enable them contribute towards a better society.”

Arinze also appealed to the public to assist the organization build a befitting orphanage home

“We need people’s great assistance to put up a structure for these children. It is a capital-intensive project to have a befitting orphanage. That is why we are appealing to everyone to help us build our own, so that we can function effectively and properly deliver our service to these lovely ones in our society,” she pleaded.

