Foundation educates youths on dangers of corruption, others

Akin Fadeyi Foundation. Photo:

The Akin Fadeyi Foundation recently empowered students with the requisite skills to combat corruption, cyberbullying, gender-based violence, and other issues of social injustice.

The programme, themed: ‘Empowered to Create Safe Spaces Online and beyond,’ was organised by a non-governmental organisation, ‘Be Safe Initiative,’ with support from MacArthur Foundation.

It featured interactive training sessions, discussions, role-plays, advocacy drama messages and activities that reinforced the concepts.

Participants were also empowered to conduct step-down training sessions for their peers.

Founder and Executive Director of the foundation, Akin Fadeyi, restated the organisation’s commitment to gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) initiatives.

“It is a journey we have embarked upon to empower students and staff, equipping them with requisite skills to combat vices,” Fadeyi said.

Programme Coordinator, Patience Ismaila, said the workshop, which held in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, was to promote safety awareness among students and staff, especially in Bwari area council.”

Fadeyi added that continuous monitoring and evaluation will ensure the sustained effectiveness of the initiative, contributing to long-term safety and security within the school communities.

At the end of the workshop, participants shared their thoughts on the conference. While some said they the programme has emboldened them to speak out against vices, others stressed the need to be mindful of the information shared on social media.

A teacher from one of the schools, Hauwa Audu, appealed to organisations and non-governmental bodies to extend the programme to more schools, saying it would enlighten the students on the dangers inherent in these vices.


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