Foundation hosts session on boy-child

As part of efforts aimed at drawing attention to the peculiarities of nurturing the boy-child, Boy-Child Transformation Centre (BTC) recently held a session with boys tagged Walk in my shoes, the mentor’s feet.

In her welcome address, the founder of BTC, Nkiruka Joel, stated that the foundation and its activities are geared toward raising a generation of boys living a purposeful life with empathy and consideration.

She added that the goal is to prevent boys from exhibiting some of the messy things often identified with some boys, who are men today. Joel said this is important so that some exceptionally boys could be raised to be role models in the future.

According to her, if the process of reforming boys is started early, they are likely to turn out well aside it is easy to change a boy child when they are young than when they are adults.

She noted that her foundation is committed to the boy-child because the society over the years has focused on the girl-child, stating that parents also do not pay special attention on the boy-child like they do for the girl-child.

A number of activities were held that included a panel discussion on boy-child, with Pastor Kola Oyeyemi, Chief Operating Officer, Verdant Zeal, Dipo Adesida among the discussants. There were also presentations by some of the boy-child at the event and a mental health talk by Dr Chifumnanya Nwagagbo.


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