Foursquare Church GO, Aboyeji, advocates capital punishment for corrupt officials

Pastor Sam Aboyeji

The General Overseer (GO) of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria, Rev. Sam Aboyeji, has hinged the problem hindering the progress of this nation on the inability of the government to effect commensurate punishment on those indulging in corruption.

He stated this during his second term affirmation election as the General Overseer of the church, which took place at the Foursquare Gospel Camp, Ajebo in Ogun State.

Aboyeji, who recalled a period in Nigeria when the death sentence was the punishment for carriers of cocaine in Nigeria, said the country could never get it right until it is ready to impose capital punishment on corrupt officials in the country.

He said that his second term would focus on those programmes that would continue to make the church play its pivotal role as a frontline evangelical and Pentecostal movement in the country.

“Our outreach and focus will continue to guide and shape our policies and procedures in meeting the demands of the ministry,” he said.

The leader of the affirmation committee, Regional Overseer, Northern Region and the District Overseer, Kubwa District, Prof. James Nda Jacobs, said the affirmation was in line with the constitution of the church, which was confirmed by the National Legal Adviser of the church, Abiodun Oni.

National Secretary of the church, Rev. Samson Alawode, expressed satisfaction at the affirmation election that reinstated Aboyeji, which was in line with the constitution of the church.


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