Francophone Africa Business Summit 2024 spurs collaboration, investment opportunities

Francophone Africa Business Summit 2024, a two-day packed event held in Lagos, Nigeria, culminated in resounding success on February 29, 2024.

Organised by Epena Law, the summit served as a catalyst for fostering collaboration and investment opportunities across the African continent.

Themed “Investing in Francophone Africa – Playbook and Opportunities,” the summit convened influential leaders, investors, and executives from economic powerhouses such as Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and Senegal.

Against the backdrop of the bustling metropolis of Lagos, delegates engaged in insightful discussions aimed at breaking down barriers and enhancing collaboration among African nations.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo delivered a keynote address, emphasising the importance of collective African efforts in driving economic growth and prosperity.

“As we stand on the threshold of a new era in African development, it is imperative that we unite in our efforts to unlock the vast potential of our continent. Through collaboration and strategic partnerships, we can chart a course towards prosperity and inclusive growth for all” he said.

With Francophone countries comprising a significant portion of Africa’s nations, the summit underscored the need for concerted action to unlock the region’s vast potential.

In addition to the main summit sessions, attendees participated in an exclusive dinner and cocktail reception, providing ample networking opportunities and fostering relationships among delegates.

The summit featured panel discussions covering key sectors, including agriculture, real estate, fintech, financial services, FMCG, among others.

Esteemed speakers, such as Ada Osakwe, Wilfrid Korsaga, Igbuan Okaisabor, Biodun Ogunleye, Ernest Ezenna, Mayowa Kuyoro, and Adia Sowho shared valuable insights and perspectives, highlighting investment opportunities and challenges in Francophone Africa.

Managing Partner at Epena Law and Host of FABS, Johanna Monthé, expressed her satisfaction with the summit outcome, stating; “The Francophone Africa Business Summit 2024 exceeded our expectations, fostering meaningful dialogue and facilitating valuable connections between stakeholders across Africa.

We are proud to have initiated this platform, which will continue to drive collaboration and investment opportunities in the years to come.”

The summit aimed to address regulatory complexities, legal disparities, and limited understanding of business environments that hinder cross-border investments.

By providing a platform for dialogue and collaboration, the summit sought to promote economic integration and development across linguistic and cultural borders.

The success of the Francophone Africa Business Summit 2024 underscores the potential for cross-border collaboration and investment in Africa. As the continent continues to strive for economic growth and development, initiatives such as these play a crucial role in unlocking opportunities and driving progress.

The Francophone Africa Business Summit remains committed to fostering collaboration and investment in Africa, leveraging its expertise and network to facilitate meaningful partnerships and drive positive change.


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