Frank Edoho: It’s good to have comedy in your toolkits as a broadcaster

Frank Edoho is a TV host, filmmaker and a master of ceremony. He is the host of popular Nigerian TV show, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from the University of Calabar. While in school, he was a rap artiste with the stage name Mc Frank, and upon graduation, he started his broadcasting career as a presenter at the Cross River State Broadcasting Corporation and also anchored a breakfast television show for the then Nigerian Television Authority, Channel 9, Calabar. In this chat with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, he speaks on his been a broadcaster before anchoring the popular franchised show.

Share with us your growing up and how it influenced your career path?
When I was a kid, I was the clown of the house and then watching a lot of sitcoms, I have to find a way of bringing it into my rapporteur in anything I do. I used to use it to have a lot of girls at that time in Calabar. It helped in building me up for my career. If you are a broadcaster, especially a presenter, you should know how to be humorous and witty. I started broadcasting in 1991, in Calabar, did it for nine years and was never paid a dime. When I came to Lagos, I worked for DBN TV, was paid N9, 000 per month. It wasn’t regular. I did it for a year and went to Radio Nigeria, worked from 2000 – 2004, earned N17, 000 per month for all those years, then Who Wants To Be A Millionaire came.

How did it come?
I auditioned, just like everyone else. While at DBN, I learnt all the rudiments of broadcasting and production and got the training I required at Radio Nigeria. Sometimes, I will be on shifts and won’t go home for three days because I was passionate about it and learning. So, I learnt how to be a news producer, sports commentator. All these times, I worked passionately, I learnt the rudiments, I didn’t stick to the old tradition. I used my new style to rub it in. So when Who Wants To Be A Millionaire came, I went from Radio Nigeria to audition. I missed the first one; I was the last person for the second one. They gave me a script, took the script away and say I should improvise and the rest is history.

What would you say stood you out?
They took the script away from me. Every other person used a script. Broadcasters with better voices and experiences were there, but I guess they saw what they wanted in me and took a chance.
You have always infused comedy in your style of presentation. Why haven’t you considered a career in comedy?
I used to do comedy earlier on in my career. Tariah Basorge Jr. trained me, and I used to do stand up comedy at his shows. This was before Who Wants To Be A Millionaire came on. It is always good to have comedy in your toolkits as a broadcaster, you can use it to add humour and make your presentation more interesting.

You recently did a skit with Mr. Macaroni. Why are you not considering acting?
I hate acting with a passion; do you have N10 million to give me for a role? That’s why I hate acting. Look at the highest paid in the industry, how much is it, meanwhile, in MCing, I can make what an actor makes in three movies over three months. I can make it in three hours, so why will I choose acting.

What does style mean to you?
It is more dependent on your body structure and so you have to do everything possible to keep yourself in shape. I recently cut down on my eating habit to get back in shape because I grew quite big and had protruded tummy. My style basically is fashionable, but I don’t go overboard to get noticed.

What is your favourite local meal?
Afang soup

Describe Frank Edoho in three words
Stubborn, loyal and altruistic

What advice do you have for young people who look up to you?
First is, if you don’t have the passion for something, and you go into it, you will fail woefully, because I never did it for fame. I hate the fame. I am a regular street boy; I grew up in Sabongari, Kano, moved to Calabar where I had my secondary and tertiary education. We played football with the fishermen; we all ate from the same plate, as we couldn’t afford to be served separately. So tell me why I will like fame. I was brought up by a grandmother who made me believe that anyone who ate snail will end up becoming a thief and till date I don’t eat snail and my wife knows that.


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