From Frustration to Fulfillment: A Journey of Career Transformation

Mojisola Oyedele

In a world where career transitions are becoming more common, I took a courageous leap to chart a new course in her life. Mojisola Oyedele, a former oil and gas analyst, has been gaining recognition for her hard and admirable work as she successfully transitioned into a thriving career in cybersecurity and now works for the prestigious Organization.

Dissatisfied with her job and yearning for a sense of fulfillment, Moji decided to leave her role as an oil and gas analyst in 2020. While the decision was bold, she was unsure of what her next step would be or if she had the necessary skills for such a significant change. Undeterred by uncertainty, Moji embarked on a journey to explore other roles within the same industry.

However, she soon encountered challenges due to an industry crisis at that time.

Amidst the search for new opportunities, fate intervened in an unexpected way. Moji found herself in a nightmarish situation when her laptop became encrypted after attempting to download a movie from a website. As she delved into finding solutions, she became captivated by the world of computer viruses and the layers within the tech industry. This newfound fascination led her to discover the realm of cybersecurity as a profession.

Moji was amazed to find that many individuals, with diverse backgrounds like her own, had successfully transitioned into thriving cybersecurity careers. Inspired by their stories, she realized that her non-technical background could be an asset in this field. Her skills in business strategy and optimization could be seamlessly transferred into cybersecurity.

What excited Moji even more was learning about the welcoming nature of the cybersecurity community, which embraces professionals from various industries. This realization ignited her passion further, and she eagerly pursued a career in cybersecurity.

Now, Moji encourages others who may be considering a career change to embrace the challenge and explore the possibilities that cybersecurity offers. She highlights that one’s unique background and skills can be valuable assets on this thrilling journey. With open-mindedness and a commitment to continuous learning, individuals can join the community of cybersecurity professionals dedicated to protecting our digital world.

Many people find themselves grappling with similar dilemmas, unsure of whether to take the leap and make a career change. Moji believes that embracing change and pursuing a new professional path is truly worthwhile. She advises individuals to carefully analyze their transferable skills and identify where they align with their passions and interests. By doing so, they can discover a field that challenges them and enables continuous personal growth.

During her own transition, Moji realized the importance of documenting her journey and sharing it with others. As she shared her experiences on platforms like LinkedIn and Medium, she began receiving attention from mentors, talent managers, and individuals seeking guidance on their own transitions.

In 2023, Moji made the decision to launch a mentorship program in 2024 focused on helping women transition into cloud and cybersecurity roles. The program will commence with online workshops where aspiring tech professionals can learn the necessary skills, understand how to transfer their previous expertise into the tech industry and gain insights into relevant courses and certifications for boosting their portfolios and visibility. Interested individuals can reach out to Moji on LinkedIn for further details.

Moji’s own journey serves as a testament to the rewards that come with making bold career choices. She firmly believes that no skill is ever wasted, and even from less fulfilling experiences, valuable lessons can be learned. She encourages everyone to embrace their wealth of experience and put it to good use in a new career.

As Moji concludes her remarkable story of transformation, she leaves us with this message: “Embrace the challenge, be open to learning, and join any community of tech professionals who are making a difference in designing and protecting our digital world.”

For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact:
LinkedIn @Mojisola Oyedele


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