From Trader to Mentor: How Thembi Shilenge Empowers Others in the Cryptocurrency World

Thembi Shilenge

Women are emerging as principal chagemakers of this generation in many ways. They are championing the desired change in business, identifying and investing in growth-stage and social enterprises that have the potential to scale up impact.

The new face of this move is Thembi Portia Shilenge, a cryptocurrency crusader, trader, coach and mentor. The entrepreneur is also regarded as the queen of crypto and was one of the early adopters of digital currencies at a young age. She took advantage of it to build a solid financial base for herself when a lot of people were skeptical.

This gave Thembi Shilenge a huge leap in cryptocurrency trading, mining and staking, which the South African started in 2016. But she wanted more and out of curiosity, she discovered other cryptocurrencies such as ripple, ethereum, monero, dashcoin in 2017, through Poloniex Exchange, where she was trading. The businesswoman was trading with a margin of $1000 or less, and she began to get better and richer.

Thembi Shilenge’s net worth is about $2M , with multiple solids assets and liquid assets

The discovery inspired the need to share share the skill with people who later became her mentees. This idea became much more the beginning of the journey into international reputation as a crypto teacher and trainer. Thembi Shilenge was determined to banish the misconceptions about cryptocurrency, and propagate its abounding financial reward.

In 2018, Thembi Portia Shilenge established an academy in her Crypto Dimensions, with the aim of transferring knowledge on blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. The crypto academy grew in the number of mentees and impact around the globe, following amazing reviews and testimonials . Over 500 students enrolled in the Mentorship Programme, which eventually created over 100 millionaires.

Consequently, hardworking and visionary Thembi Shilenge became a global sensation in the crypto market.
In 2021, Crypto Dimensions was invited to Crypto Dubai Expo in the United Arab Emirates as one of the panelist, bearing her undeniable influence in the business.

Beyond Thembi Shilenge’s contrubution to the growth of cryptocurrency in Africa and globally, she is also a property tycoon in her country, revolutionizing and developing township rentals. In recognition of her effort to ensure her compatriots live in decent homes, she was featured by South Africa’s media giant, SABC News, in 2022, and named as the ‘Best Township Property Developer’.

Thembi Shilenge is a BDAI trader. She’s a top trading profitable performer as she has achieved a remarkable result of more than 60000% in trading profits on Crypto futures trading

Thembi Shilenge has traveled to over 30 countries, sharing her crypto knowledge and exchanging ideas in cryptocurrency expos across the world. Her driving force is that success is a mirage without the gut to take risk.


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