makes debuts in Nigeria

Fromowner.comAN online platform, where free adverts exist for sellers to meet buyers, job seekers meet employers, trans-Europe and African franchise opportunities, has debuted in Nigeria.

Named’, it difference from other platforms of such, includes security at the uploads-authorization level as a back-end efforts to ensure the buyers on the platform are reasonably protected from scammers and fake sellers.

According to Veli Coskun, who is the Global Software and Technical Director of, due diligence practice is key to us, “we protect users on our platform and we anti-spam online notable ecommerce establishment.:

The Country-Operations Director, Dapo Babajide, also mentioned during an awareness and sensitization forum on uniqueness of that his team thinks of security of their website users as first and always. He stated further that sellers and buyers are safe to meet on their platform to transact irrespective of their different locations.

The categories for transactions include vehicles, real estate, services, career, shopping, industrial and heavy equipment, pets and livestock, electronics, accessories and among others. Whatever you are selling, there are always buyers on

He claimed that the platform makes buyer-seller community easier as the only online selling platform in Nigeria that provides web-stores infrastructures. This unique feature allows owners of stores and sales outlets to have virtual stores online. It gives the buyers access to the sellers’ virtually and to be able to see all the items the sellers have in their physical stores, negotiate, bargain and compares prices with other same or similar products sellers. Buying on FrowOwner is cheaper because distribution networks involving middlemen is avoidable, thus the buyer can buy directly from the owner of the goods.

