FRSC deploys 65 personnel for Bauchi re-run election


The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has deployed 65 personnel to ensure orderliness during the Feb. 3 re-run election in Bauchi State.

FRSC’s Sector Commander in the state, Mr Patrick Ikaba, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Bauchi on Friday.

NAN reports that the Appeal Court has ordered for re-run election in 42 polling Units in four State Assembly Constituencies of the state.

The constituencies are: Bauchi Central; Zungur/Galambi, Ningi 1 and Madara/Chinade.

Also, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Thursday distributed sensitive materials and trained over 200 ad-hoc personnel for the exercise.

Ikaba said the personnel would work in synergy with other security agencies to ensure orderliness and smooth conduct of the election.

“They are also to make sure that no infiltrator or people with bad intentions gain access to the polling units,” he said.

According to him, the FRSC is in collaboration with sister agencies to ensure free, fair and credible election as well as maintain peace and order in the state.



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