FRSC, NEMA confirm 632 accidents during yuletide

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) have said 632 road accidents were recorded between December 19, 2020 and January 19, 2021

This is even as NEMA confirmed that it responded to 53 emergencies on 84 routes last month during its Operation “EAGLE EYE” coordinated with critical stakeholders.

The agency’s Director General AVM Muhammadu Muhammed (rtd), who spoke in Abuja, regretted the 12 deaths and 88 injuries recorded during the period.

The FRSC Assistant Corps Marshal in charge of Federal Operations, Hyginus Omeje, who represented the Corps Marshal Boboye Oyeyemi at the event, said during their own Operation Zero Tolerance, 180 of the incidents were fatal, as 622 others were serious with 585 lives lost.



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