Fubara directs Heads of LGA to take charge of 23 Rivers councils

… Asari Dokubo warns Council Chairmen not to foment crisis in Rivers, says they will be resisted  

Rivers State governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has directed Heads of Local Government Administration (HLGAs) to immediately take charge of the 23 council areas of the state.

This follows the expiration of the statutory three-year tenure of the elected local government chairmen, vice chairmen and councillors on Monday, June 17.

Fubara gave the directive in a statewide broadcast in Government House, Port Harcourt on Tuesday morning.

In the broadcast, Fubara said: “My fellow Rivers people, I come before you today with immense gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support to me and my administration.

“I urge us all to reflect on the shared sacrifice we have all made to have a peaceful and prosperous Rivers State, and indeed, Nigeria. It is my wish that we continue to live in peace and harmony as one.

“Together, we have achieved milestones in different sectors of our economy which includes infrastructure, health, education, workers welfare, improved service delivery, agriculture and social welfare that resonates deeply within our communities.

“Your dogged and committed support has been the bedrock of our progress, and for that, I extend my sincerest thanks.”

The governor added: “I also wish to acknowledge and commend the dedicated services of the outgoing elected Local Government Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and Councilors who were elected and sworn in three years ago, and whose tenure expired yesterday the 17th of June, 2024, as provided for by the Law.

“On behalf of the government and the people of Rives State, I thank you all for your sacrifices, and commend your commitment to public service and our dear Rivers State.

“I congratulate you all for the successful completion of your tenure and wish you well in your future endeavours.

“As we move forward in making sure that the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is upheld, and that law and order is maintained as we continue to strive to provide leadership and direction for our people, I hereby direct Heads of Local Government Administration (HLGAs) to continue to provide leadership in their respective Local Government Areas.

“Heads of Local Government Administration (HLGAs) are hereby directed to immediately take charge of the councils with renewed vigor and readiness to serve and await further directives as we navigate towards even greater accomplishments together,” he explained.

Fubara further stressed that: “I assure you, my good people of Rivers State, that we shall continue to defend you, provide infrastructural development, sound healthcare delivery, quality education and undiluted welfare service packages for all our people and workers.

“Once again, I thank you my dear good people of Rivers State, for your steadfast support and dedication to our shared vision of unity, progress and prosperity.”

The governor noted that, “together, we will continue to build a brighter and better future for all,” and wished all Rivers people, especially the Muslim faithful a happy Salah Holiday.”

Recall that following tension and apprehension over the council bosses’ determination to continue in office yesterday, some youths had laid siege on a few council secretariat to stop the council chairmen from carrying out their threat thereby hitting up the polity.

This saw an advocate of resource control and good governance in the Niger Delta region, Muhajid Asari Dokubo, advising the former chairmen of the 23 Local Government Areas in Rivers to accept the end of their three years’ tenure in good faith, and resist creating crisis.

Asari Dokubo
Speaking while flanked by stakeholders of the Muslim community in Rivers as part of activities to mark the 2024 Eid-el-Kabir celebrations, in Port Harcourt on Monday, Asari Dokubo, said tenure elongation is an aberration to the Constitution of Nigeria.
He stated that the former chairmen, whose tenure expired on June 17, 2024, cannot force on themselves any extension of time that runs contrary to the oath of office they swore to, and be tolerated.
Asari Dokubo, who is also the Edi Abali of Kalabari land, warned the former chairmen not to invite the wrath of what he called, the “people’s power”, because it will descend on them to their dismay.
He said: “Local Government tenure has expired today (June 17). They should quietly go home. If they want to seek re-election in accordance with the Constitution, they should go and seek re-election.
“But there is no tenure elongation in the Constitution. Their position is tenure-bound, and that tenure has expired. Let them not cause unnecessary problem for the people of the State. And I want to advise young people, that: look, don’t allow yourselves to be used.”
Asari Dokubo said young Rivers people must know and understand what their roles are in protecting the state against those self-seeking individuals who think that it is their private estate.
Making reference to a popular radio jingle on Radio Rivers: “Love Rivers State or leave her alone. Don’t pull her down. Think what you can do for her, engage yourself in meaningful activities…”, Asari Dokubo insisted that the state is bigger than one individual.
He said: “Only one man can be governor of Rivers at a time. We would not have two governors at a time. The people of Rivers are bigger than Muhajid Asari Dokubo. Rivers State is bigger than any individual. No individual can take Rivers people for a ride and pocket us. It is not possible.
“Most of us (them), their children are not here, and their children have never come out to stand in front of any protest. They’re not like Mandela and his children or me and my children or any other body. So, nobody should be allowed to be used.”


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