Fubara, Obaseki task fathers work-life balance

Gov. Obaseki

Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has charged fathers to balance family and work.

Fubara congratulated fathers for the various sacrifices they make in keeping their families together, which have helped in building a healthy subset of the larger society.

In his message to commemorate 2024 International Father’s Day in the Government House, Port Harcourt, yesterday, Fubara prayed God to keep strengthening and prospering fathers, as well as all male heads of families, to continue to play exemplary leadership roles naturally bestowed on them.

Fubara said: “Fatherhood is an essential fabric of the family, because of the love, strength and dedication that fathers demonstrate, which enrich the lives of their children.”

The governor noted that fathers encounter challenges in the bid to balance their roles and responsibilities between work, career aspirations and giving quality time to their families.

Meanwhile, the Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has commended fathers for their enormous responsibilities in holding the society and contributing to its growth.

The governor, in a statement to commemorate Father’s Day, said: “I celebrate fathers for their immense contributions to societal development, holding the family together amid the hardship occasioned by the prevailing economic realities.”


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