Fulfill your electoral promises to Nigerians, Muslim groups urge Buhari

BuhariA cross section of Muslim groups in Nigeria have admonished the President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari to fulfill all his electoral promises to Nigerians in line with the Islamic injunctions as enshrined in the Holy Qur’an.

Specifically, reference was made to Q61: 2 – 3 where Allah (SWT) instructs thus: “ O you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do? Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do.”

In their respective congratulatory messages, the Muslim groups also prayed for the newly elected President for a successful tenure that would usher in the much-promised change to Nigerians.

The groups were Nigerian Supreme Council For Islamic Affairs (NSCIA); Jamatul Nasirul Islam (JNI); Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN); Federation of Muslim Women Association in Nigeria (FOMWAN); and Muslim Community of Oyo State (MUSCOYS)

Others were Muslim Media Practitioners of Nigeria (MMPN),; Obafemi Awolowo University Muslim Graduates Association (UNIFEMGA); Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN); Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) and Muslim Consultative Forum (MCF).

In its message, NSCIA, the apex Islamic body in Nigeria through its Secretary-General, Prof. Is-haq Oloyede, said Nigerians should pray for the president-elect to enable him heal the wounds of the country.

“Your Excellency, as you savour the joy of a well-deserved victory and the whole world celebrates you and the values that have defined your unique personality, let us reminds you of what a former vice-chancellor once said when he was being congratulated on his appointment.

“The person said that no one would congratulate a Surgeon who was to perform an operation. He would only be congratulated after a successful surgery. Hence, rather than congratulations, well-wishers should pray for him to perform the operation well.

“Similarly, please be reminded of the Qur’an Chapter 28 Verse 76: “Exult not; verily God loveth not the exultant.”
“As you are set to commence this onerous task before you, we urge you to be careful of those who hail you and reflect on the criticism of your critics. Know that every failure is a test and every success, a trial.

“You have passed the test of past failures and it is the wish of the Almighty Allah to try you with success. For every action, there is a reaction; for every opportunity, there is a responsibility and for every appointment, there is accountability before men and Allah’’, NSCIA said.

In the same vein, the religious body commended President Goodluck Jonathan for displaying unprecedented leadership at the national level by not only conceding defeat in the presidential poll, but also congratulating the winner.

In its message, JNI through its Secretary-General, Dr Khalid Aliyu congratulated Nigerians for their “doggedness, courage, resilience, maturity, and above all, persistent prayers for a credible and hitch-free Presidential poll.’’

“JNI therefore reiterates its call for peace and urge all and sundry to go about their lawful businesses and remain calm and law abiding. This is a time for sober reflection, humility to Allah the Exalted, gratitude and glorification to Him’’, it said.

The group advised against reckless and rough celebrations and indecorous utterances by all Nigerians “so that our gratitude and glorifications would be accepted by the Almighty.’’
While rejoicing with the President elect, JNI called on him to fear Allah in his stewardship, and be just and fair to all Nigerians regardless of their tribes or religious affinity.

“He should consider his victory as victory for Nigeria and Nigerians.’’

Prof. Dawud Noibi, MUSWEN Executive Secretary in his message entitled: Let the Nation Show Gratitude said despite pessimism, Allah has granted Nigeria peace during the Presidential election.

“The Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN) cannot afford to wait any longer before congratulating the entire Nigerian nation on Allah’s quick and full response to our prayers for free, fair, credible and peaceful elections.

“However, it is the people of Nigeria that are the ultimate victors, by the special grace of Allah. They are the ones that have thus been saved from potential danger the kind of which usually characterised past elections.

“We appeal to the people of this nation to reflect profoundly so that we may see the success of the elections as a mark of Allah’s favour and His merciful response to our prayers,’’ MUSWEN admonished.

FOMWAN in its congratulatory message signed by Alhaja Sururah Oyero, National Public Relations Officer, reminded the President-elect of his promises to provide adequate security, enhanced health care delivery and jobs for Nigerians.

The Muslim women group said that women and children would feel more secured and protected if the new administration of Buhari give those items priority in his government.

To the Muslim Community of Oyo State, it advised the President-elect to correct all the previous imbalances in the political appointments against Muslims from the South West in the spirit of equity, fairness and balancing.

Its Chairman, Alhaji Ishaq Kunle Sanni thanked Allah for the new government and urged the President-elect to be wary of psychophants capable of derailing him from his pro-people policies.

In its message signed by Alhaji Abdurrahman Balogun, the Chairman MMPN, reminded Buhari of all his electoral promises to Nigerians and urged him to fulfill them in line with Islamic injunctions.

While cautioning Nigerians not to expect miracles from Buhari–led government, the Muslim Media group advised Nigerians to give the new government necessary support to be able to translate the promises into reality.

In the same vein, Prof. Wahab Egbewole, National President of UNIFEMGA described Buhari’s victory as “well deserved, a result of resilience and a lesson in determination.

“The Nigerian people are the heroes of this democratic achievement and I sincerely congratulate them for their display of commitment, doggedness, display of absolute faith in the power of their votes and demonstration of their ability to put paid to reckless use of power.

“I, however, urge the Nigerian people to remain eternally vigilant and put the new regime on its toes to deliver on its promises. The work has just begun and we can only get there with our resilience as a people.

“The President has work to do as our country is still bedeviled by greed, corruption, inept leadership and lack of commitment to the common good. It is not enough to lead by example, the President-elect must be ready to call to order the hawks in his camp and truly lead Nigeria out of the woods,’’ UNIFEMGA head said.

MSSN in its felicitation message signed by Alhaji Ibrahim Giwa, National Secretary-General,  thanked Allah  for granting Buhari His Favour  by being elected as the new President in recognition of his consistent, internationally recognized and acclaimed integrity and honesty.

“The  Society  is  advising  Your  Excellency to  kick the  ground  running  as  to whom much is given, much is expected. Your  quick, practical, realistic, honest and  sincere  actions and steps in all  aspects  of   the
Nigerian society  especially  insecurity, corruption and economy are being expected by  the  citizens.

“You may need to keep sycophants at  bay, and assemble the best,  upright,  God-fearing and seasoned administrators and technocrats to achieve the best for the Nigerian people,’’ MSSN stated in its statement.

MURIC, in its message signed by Prof Ishaq Akintola, its Director, said the magnanimous action of President Goodluck Jonathan in conceding defeat has lifted Nigeria to a lofty height in the comity of nations.

“The rest of Africa, in particular and the world in general, will now begin to respect Nigeria as a nation with rich democratic values. We doff our hat to President Jonathan for seizing the initiative. He is our man of the moment,’’ MURIC said.

The group urged the judiciary to treat cases that might arise from the election with dispatch as it would encourage Nigerians to eschew jungle justice and to take the court option in future.

“The National Assembly should also enact laws which will spell out punitive measures to be taken against perpetrators of electoral fraud. We believe that it is not enough to simply restore mandate to the owner, the culprits behind rigging of elections must be identified and punished,’’ MURIC advised. While urging Nigerians to rally behind the new leader to build a strong and prosperous country as there was no victor nor vanquished but Nigeria was the eventual winner.

Malam Idris Usman, Muslim Consultative Forum (MCF) coordinator urged the President elect to ensure the freedom of association and worship as enshrined in the constitution for every Nigerians during his administration.

MCF prayed for the successful tenure of Buhari, urging him to respect peoples’ wish as demonstrated by Nigerians in voting him in irrespective of their religious and ethnic backgrounds.


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