Furthering education through ICE

Sir: The Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), University of Lagos is recognised in Nigeria as a leading ‘Workforce Development through Academic Training’ hub. Recognised as a leader within Nigeria and beyond, ICE offers one of the most extensive range of programmes in the country. At present, there are 38 programmes across faculties of Arts, Education (Sandwich Programmes), Management Sciences, Science and Social Sciences.

In our quest to serve your training needs, our programme offerings continue to expand and adapt to the changing needs of society in order to ensure that our graduates have the knowledge and skills that are highly desirable in today’s fast-paced technology-driven world. Soon more programmes will be floated.

At ICE, we provide you with the best possible education and prepare you to be future ready, future competitive and future assured for a successful, satisfying and rewarding career by providing you with knowledge and skills that are highly desirable in today’s fast-paced and knowledge driven society. Our programmes emphasise critical thinking and problem-solving through laboratory work, expanding your mind in practical setting in order to prepare you for a rewarding career.

The same internationally renowned faculty members who bring cutting-edge research expertise and industry experience to the classroom to train the full time students would train you.

We do not only teach, we generate knowledge and deliver real-world training through partnerships with industry and collaboration with government ministries, departments and agencies.

At Unilag ICE, you will benefit from hands-on learning environments, including access to state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries and research facilities.

As the director, I am proud to present ICE. We offer one of the most comprehensive and competitive platforms for education in Nigeria at the undergraduate level.

I invite you to join us at ICE and realise your full potential in your chosen field of study.

• Prof. Abigail Ogwezzy-Ndisika, director, Institute of Continuing Education, University of Lagos.


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