FUTO alumni elders dissociate from letter against Pantami’s professorship

Elders of Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) alumni association, known as FUTO Alumni Elders (FAE), have disassociated from a statement by FUTO Alumni Association (FAA) condemning the varsity management for making the Minister of Communication and Digital Economy, Isa Pantami, a professor.

The National Executive Council (NEC) of FAA had, in a statement, at the weekend, described the professorship of Pantami as inappropriate, and commended the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) for condemning it.

But FAE stated, yesterday, that the FAA NEC members “do not have the authority to make such far-reaching pronouncement concerning FUTO without seeking the consent of the alumni in an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or through the chapters.”

Chairman of FAE, Dr. Victor Ijeh, regretted that the association failed to observe such pertinent issue before going to the press.

Ifije explained: “Pantami and seven others were appointed by the Council of FUTO to the position of professors. How this was done, we left to the wisdom and judgment of the academic board, believing that the Governing Council of the University knows its onions when it comes to such appointments and that, at all times, the integrity of the institution would be upheld and not undermined to the detriment of its academic excellence.

“Alumni elders, FAA stakeholders and all right-thinking members of FUTO alumni will never support any action or inaction by anybody or group that will tarnish the image of our great institution, her graduates, staff, students and stakeholders.”

According to him, it is shocking and disheartening, to read in the said publications comments disparaging and ridiculing the management of our alma mater, reportedly by two NEC members of FAA.

He added: “It is, therefore, pertinent that we categorically and vehemently denounce and disassociate ourselves from the said publication and declare that we stand by the management of our alma mater.”

FAE, however, appealed to old students and the general public to disregard the said publication by FAA.


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