GEIL reaches 4-million manhours without lost time incident

Green Energy International Limited (GEIL), a leading indigenous oil and gas development company and the Operator of the Otakikpo Marginal field in Rivers State has achieved an exceptional safety milestone – 4 million manhours without Lost Time Incident (LTI) since the commencement of operation in the field.

In response to the recent increase in Health Safety and Environment (HSE) incidents in the industry, Green Energy International Limited has developed and implemented a suite of key HSE improvement programmes in its area of operations.

These improvements have built on its previous HSE initiatives to ensure the company and its personnel continue to work to attain an incident and injury-free environment where everyone goes home safe each day.

Mr Chukwuka Igbokwe, HSE GM of the Company praised the Company for its efforts and the milestone and he emphasized that the Company is proud of this achievement since most E&P Companies do not attain such man-hour exposure without a lost-time incident (LTI).

He further stated that the milestone means a lot to everyone at the Company and shows that people can work each day and throughout the life of the facility incident-free. GEIL will continue to work with all contractors to ensure an Incident-free environment where everyone is safe and comfortable to always express their perceptions to safety with a consciousness towards looking out for each other.

Professor Anthony Adegbulugbe, the CEO of the Company, said “inasmuch as this figure is significant to us which statistically shows how safe our operation has been, we talk about safety, incidents, successes, and incident-Free performance by speaking about people and possibilities.”

He further explained that GEIL wants to promote accomplishments in terms of what it makes possible for its people and their families, not just because someone is happy to get an incentive having reached a particular metric.

Professor Anthony Adegbulugbe further emphasized just as any other operator in the oil and gas industry, the Company cannot claim to have done everything right without challenges, but GEIL can beat its chest that its incident and injury-free journey is on course – thanks to the well informed and supportive workforce and management.

Poised to sustain its world-class safety performance, GEIL wants to be and remain in this position of “preventing” fatalities and serious injuries.

The company believes that not recording fatalities or serious injuries should be a result of consistent operational discipline when executing high-risk tasks, not based on the fact that incidents have not been recorded or the belief that such incidents cannot happen in its operation.

With this, Green Energy International Limited (GEIL) reviewed its activities alongside historical industry data related to fatalities and high potential events and has developed and implemented a safety assurance programme “Life-Saving Actions and Barrier Checks” which aligns with the IOGP Life-Saving Rules.

The programme is intended to support existing management systems, policies, safety training programmes, operating procedures, and work instructions.

At the launch of the programme, the company’s HSE GM, Mr. Chukwuka Igbokwe affirms that these Life-Saving Actions and Barrier Checks are meant to draw attention to activities that could most likely lead to a fatality and confirm that the critical (life-saving) actions/barriers are in place before work begins.

This approach is in line with the company’s established and enduring core beliefs that safety is not the absence of incidents, but rather it is the presence of defences/barriers.



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