Global disinformation experts launch Int’l Panel on Information Environment

A group of experts have introduced the concept of an International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE), with a view to addressing existential threat of misinformation.

According to a statement, the IPIE “is modeled after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was created in 1988 to determine the state of knowledge on climate change and provide regular scientific assessments on its implications and risks.”

The statement notes: “An IPIE would convene leading thinkers and scholars in the field: data scientists, misinformation experts, tech leaders, anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, neuroscientists, journalists, and humanitarian activists.

“These experts could review data and scientific literature to build an international consensus on the scope and impacts of misinformation and begin analysing potential solutions. Over time, the IPIE could help establish the standards needed for a healthy information environment.”

It added: “Global disinformation experts around the world, who have now officially formed IPIE, both the founders, Sheldon Himelfarb and Dr. Phil Howard, as well as their global peers, expressed interest speaking about the launch as well as breakthrough findings the consortium will share with leaders around the world, when the Nobel Prize Summit commences in Washington D.C. May 24-26.”


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