Go all out against drug barons in hiding – Marwa charges officers


Retired Brig.-Gen. Mohamed Marwa, the Chairman of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)has urged Zonal, State Commanders and Area Commanders of the agency to go all out and smoke out drug barons still in hiding.

Marwa, who gave the directive, at a meeting with Directors and Commanding Officers of the agency at its headquarters in Abuja, urged the officers to dismantle drug cartels as part of ongoing efforts to totally cut off drug supply to elements involved in criminalities across the country.

He also charged every command to shun any act capable of bringing into disrepute the hard-earned reputation of NDLEA.

He said: “Where inappropriate actions occur, the management certainly will not overlook it. There will be penalties, just as there are rewards for good conduct, hard work and results.

“Now, the onus is on every commander to ensure the protection of our corporate integrity.”

The NDLEA boss assured that he remained committed to staff welfare including conducive work environment, allowances, remuneration and entitlements, and the basic welfare package.

Marwa urged the Commanders to replicate such in their various Commands warning that Commanders would have to justify their retention in Command positions with their performance.

He said: “We have applied meritocracy to the rank and file; it is also fair to apply the same standard to the leadership.

According to him, the implication for commanders is that your retention in command positions will henceforth be measured by your performance, which will be reviewed every quarter.

Marwa stressed that in the new NDLEA, there was no room for laggards, and no excuses for laxity.

“Where there is a clear deficit of leadership, at zonal, state or area command, the agency will not hesitate to review and make a change of leadership, if necessary.

“This year, we want to raise the bar of our performance and that calls for having commanders who are up to the task.

“Our jobs are clearly defined: We must clean our streets and communities of illicit substances. Therefore, go and perform and let’s see greater results in the weeks ahead, ” he said.

Marwa assured the personnel of backups where and when necessary, adding that the agency would also provide officers with necessary reinforcement.

“On this note, I want to implore commanders to let us keep our eyes on the ball. Let’s be prepared to work hard in 2024 and achieve unprecedented goals, ” he added.


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