God’s order of creation

Bishop Charles Ighele

God created the world in a hierarchical system, with honour and respect bestow to elders. Nevertheless, families are leaving this God’s structure order and following their own devices. I know of many families where the title of family leader is given to the wealthiest, no matter how rascal he/she may be. This is not how God created it to be.

God specifically gave this commandment to His children saying: “You shall rise before the gray headed and honour the presence of an old man…” (Lev.19:32).

In accordance with God’s commandments, I believe the older generation must be respected despite their financial and educational statuses or level of exposure.

Years ago, I started a campaign against youths calling their parents ‘old school’ (a term mockingly used on parents as a result of generational differences between parents and their children). Derogatory terms like that do not convey honour and respect.

I am not disputing the fact that as a youth, you may know more about current affairs, technology, the internet and other groundbreaking discoveries; but one thing you must realise is that your parents know more when it comes to the way of life. Why? You may wonder! It is simply because they have passed through the road, you are just passing now.

Realise that God does not expect us to honour our elders based on their position or wealth, but based on the fact that they are older than we are.

It is, therefore, not a coincidence that the only commandment that comes with a promise is related to the honour and respect we give to those older than us. “Honor your father and mother that your days may be long upon the land, which the Lord your God is giving you,” (Ex. 20:12).

Honour them by listening to their counsel, by respecting their words and wisdom no matter how intelligent you may think you are because there is a great difference between wisdom and intelligence. Love you!
