‘Gospel music contributes to country’s upliftment’


LeinaDaniels is a gospel artist and songwriter. In this interview with ADAMU ABUH, he shares his experiences and challenges in the industry.
What does gospel music mean to you?
It is a movement with a mandate of revealing Jesus Christ as God, as well as spreading His message of hope through music for the redemption of souls.

How would you rate the genre’s contribution to the economy?
The motion picture and music recording industry exceeded 2020 projection of $806 million revenue, contributing about 730 billion naira ($1.8 billion) to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The achievement cannot just be ascribed to secular music alone. Gospel music has also contributed to the country’s upliftment, by creating jobs, entertaining people and spreading message of truth and hope.

How do you manage distraction from female fans?
I will like to state that as gospel ministers; our mandate is not just to entertain, but also to preach the gospel to everyone both male and female. Though we have read or seen in many cases where people fall into temptation, my principle key is to create scriptural standards and back them up with personal decisions that will serve as a guide. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can manage any form of distraction.

What are your challenges in the industry?
Personally, I think this is more of a prayer point. That God will raise more men and women who will sponsor the work of God through worship ministry. We need more gospel record labels. There are many anointed and gifted ministers out there that are not heard and have been blessed with a lot in their hearts to share. We are one body in Christ Jesus, but somehow, we’ve allowed denomination and doctrine to divide us and this has been a barrier that has really affected the unity, flow and growth among gospel music ministers. Some gospel ministers have powerful songs, but don’t properly produce them. We are in the 21st century where excellence is a necessity; we really have to update/upgrade our quality of music produced.

What is your advice to those who intend to become gospel artists?
First, I’ll like to quickly say we’re in the last days and not just that, it is a season for the manifestations of the sons of God and it will be a great privilege and opportunity to be a part of this great movement for the kingdom of God.

What are your regrets in the profession, you wish you could change?
I have no regrets, as nothing is too big for God to handle. Yes, there may be challenges, but with the help of God, we overcome, as there is no regret in the work of God.


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