Governor AbdulRazaq champions youth empowerment at Kwara Books and Arts Festival

Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, on Friday, emphasized the government’s commitment to youth development and empowerment at the Kwara Books and Arts Festival (KWABAFEST). The Governor highlighted key initiatives and projects aimed at nurturing talent, fostering creativity, and equipping the youth with essential skills. The event, themed “Transcendence,” focused on celebrating creativity, innovation, and the boundless potential of youth in the state.

Governor AbdulRazaq, represented by the Commissioner for Communications, Bola Olukoju, underscored the importance of empowering the youth to thrive in an ever-changing world. He detailed the government’s investment in projects such as the Visual Arts Centre, Ilorin Innovation Hub, Film Factory, and Garment Factory. These initiatives provide spaces for artistic expression, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

The Governor identified literacy as a foundation for learning and announced the launch of KwaraLEARN, a technology-based platform to revolutionize learning and literacy development in the state. By leveraging technology, the government aims to break down barriers to education, expand access to quality learning resources, and empower youth to unlock their full potential.

Governor AbdulRazaq expressed the government’s commitment to promoting and preserving cultural identity through initiatives that celebrate diversity, foster cultural exchange, and promote social cohesion. He emphasized that culture is the lifeblood of communities, and initiatives supporting cultural identity are essential for the state.

Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq

The Governor commended the organizers and contributors to the success of KWABAFEST, praising the festival as a positive reference point for Kwara. He expressed hope for the festival to become a major rallying point for creative minds not only in northern Nigeria but also across the country.

Abdulbasit Hossein, the Director of KWABAFEST, highlighted the program’s goal of telling the original story of Kwara and serving as a platform to host and nurture future voices in Nigerian literature. He emphasized the need to project Kwara as a hub for arts, creativity, and filmmaking, challenging the perception that such support is only available in Lagos or Abuja.

The Kwara Books and Arts Festival served as a platform for discussing and celebrating the creative potential of Kwara’s youth. Governor AbdulRazaq’s commitment to youth development, literacy, and cultural preservation reflects the government’s dedication to fostering a vibrant and empowered young generation in the state.


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