Govt trains graduates in Bayelsa

sure-pTHE Federal Ministry of Finance in conjunction with an indigenous training organisation, Afri-HUB, has organised a training for some indigenes of Bayelsa State under the Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS).

The GIS, one of the safety net interventions of the defunct Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P), was sustained by the Federal Government to confirm its commitment to finding solution to youth unemployment.

According to the scheme’s Director, P.M. Papaka, its aims were to provide the unemployed and under-employed graduate youths with internship opportunities that would expose them to requisite skills and experiences to enhance their employability.

Since the inception of the scheme, many firms and graduates have joined. While the graduates are securing opportunities to develop their employability and business acumen, many firms have partnered the scheme to mentor the graduates.

Out of the graduates that have served out their one year term, some have moved on to other employment, while others have been employed by the firms themselves,’’ he said.

