Great Vegetables For A Healthy Prostate  

Mediterranean diet; rich in fish, boiled potatoes, whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, and olive oil, and low consumption of juices had lower risk of aggressive prostate cancer (PC) than those who followed other dietary patterns like Prudent or Western diets. PHOTO CREDIT:

Prostate cancer is a worldwide concern typical in males but there are great vegetables for a healthy prostate to limit the risk of prostate cancer.  Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate gland and can grow at a slow pace, or it can rapidly grow that it spreads to the surrounding area. Prostate cancer has various symptoms such as excess urination at night, the urge to urinate, frequent urination, pain in the bone, erectile dysfunction and more.

The cause of prostate cancer is not entirely clear or zeroed down.

Men that are prone to have prostate cancer are categorised under a spectrum such as the age factor as a risk element; men of the age 50 upwards are susceptible to prostate cancer.

Obesity is another risk factor that has a high risk of aggravating cancer.

However, there are certain prostate cancer friendly fruits and vegetables that have been associated with treating and keeping prostate cancer at the barest minimum. That is not to say that they will cure this but eating these prescribed fruits and vegetables rich in specific antioxidants limits prostate cancer. As such, plant-based nutrition which consists primarily of vegetables with a reduction in animal product becomes imperative.

Stacy Loeb, MD, of NYU Langone Health in New York, New York, and other team researchers reported.

“Plant-based diets have many well-documented benefits for health and the environment.

“Our results show that consuming more plant-based foods is also prostate-healthy. Men at risk for prostate cancer should be counselled to increase consumption of plant-based foods to reduce the risk of aggressive disease.”

Here are some vegetables to include in your diet for a healthy prostate health.

Green Tea

Consumption of green tea by an adult male plays a significant function in preventing prostate cancer. The compounds of epicatechin, xanthine derivatives and epigallocatechin gallate found in green tea have healthy gains such as lowering the risk of prostate cancer.


Lycopene is an antioxidant that researches carried out by experts say has a positive influence in maintaining good prostate health as it decreases the cell damage.


This green shrub like vegetable is high in complex compounds that are good in protecting against cancer lowering the risk of prostate cancer. Researchers say that the phytochemicals and sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli cabbage and kale kill cancerous cells.

This life-threatening cancer can be managed. A key factor to this is early detection for a chance of successful treatment.


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