Group advises youths to embrace positive mindset, innovations

Nigerians youths

Nigerian youths have been tasked to maintain positive mindset and embrace innovations, despite all odds and economic downturns. The  Convener, Superior Performance Global Network, Olusegun Odufuwa, made the call while addressing over 3,000 participants, comprising students and youths in Lagos. He advocated for more entrepreneurship centres, technology hubs and skills acquisition centres to reduce unemployment and boost economic growth.

“In a world engrossed with change and challenges, the ability to embrace change to challenge conventional wisdom and envision new possibilities is what sets true leaders apart,” he said.
According to him, the event with the theme ‘Mindshift’ resonated deeply with the spirit of innovation, resilience, and growth that define the youth of today.

He appealed to the participants to develop the right sense of adaptability and follow-up thinking essential to creating new possibilities. He said: “Together, we will explore how we can harvest the power of our might to effect possible changes in our communities, our societies and the world at large.”

Managing Director, Spectrum Innovation Technologies, Kate Adesomoju, implored youths to have a positive mindset and cultivate attitudes of possibility.

She said the forum would help the youths to unlock their full potential and create brighter, more prosperous future and even for generations to come.

“Cultivating a positive mindset empowers us to overcome obstacles, pursue our goals with confidence and create a life filled with meaning and fulfilment,” she said

Babatunde Akinbi, a broadcaster and participant, urges youth to  avoid  social media wars or baseless assumption about political candidates who are not their party  members .They should never act  as social media warriors.

Akinbi charges government to provide jobs openings and business opportunities for citizens to remain in the country instead of traveling  for greener pastures abroad.

He  advises that they should recognise people current mindset; reflect on your behaviour, thoughts, and ideas; “Be open-minded and make yourself teachable and  available to inspire people,”

Speaking, the Lagos State Commissioner for Wealth Creation and Employment, Akinyemi Ajigbotafe, who lauded SPGN for the conference, urged the participants to maximise the benefits.

Akinyemi, represented by Mrs Oluyinka Oye-Bamgbose, Director, Partnership, noted that the ministry, disclosed that “Our programmes and initiatives are specifically youth-focused: mindset re-orientation, graduate internship placement, job fair, mentorship programmes, business support, training for tradesmen and artisans,” he added.


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