Group alleges IPOB, others plan to blackmail diplomats

The Save Humanity Advocacy Centre (SHAC) has drawn the attention of foreign missions to plots by members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and their cohorts to blackmail the immediate past service chiefs. 

According to the group, the proscribed group and their NGO members through their petition aims to criminally malign the country’s former military heads and ultimately scuttle their imminent confirmation as ambassadors. 

The SHAC raised this alarm on Monday at a press conference in Abuja. 

In his address, Comrade Ogbe Owoicho, Director, Foreign Affairs said the petition has all the handwritings of the Eastern Nigeria’s Rights and Intelligentsia Coalition. 

Owoicho noted that it is laughable that the petitioners called for the diplomatic community to disqualify the former service chiefs over falsehood.  

While disclosing that such is the responsibility of the Senate, Comrade Owoicho called on these foreign nations to disregard the rants contained in the letters that were delivered to embarrass their diplomatic missions. 

He noted that it is pertinent that the nation professes themselves as friends of Nigeria immediately to put this coalition in its place.

The group, however, urged the Federal Government to note that complacency is no longer an option in view of the repeated diplomatic salvos that the Eastern Nigeria’s Rights and Intelligentsia Coalition have fired against the country. 

To avoid future occurrences, it further called on Nigerian authorities to slam the groups in the coalition and the people behind them.

“We urge the Federal Government of Nigeria to note that a complacency is no longer an option in view of the repeated diplomatic salvos that the Eastern Nigeria’s Rights and Intelligentsia Coalition has fired against the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is time for corresponding deterrence to be applied on the group and other groups operating similar agenda.

“At the very minimum, the government should slam the groups in the coalition and the people behind them. Unless firm action is taken, they will continue to engage in actions that are capable of undermining Nigeria’s sovereignty, which will not augur well.”

