Group creates awareness on Imposter syndrome

A group, Surest Firm Foundation Academy is set to help children reduce the  effects of trauma- induced  Imposter Syndrome,  which has prevented them from maximising their potential early in life.

“Imposter Syndrome is a behavioural health phenomenon, described as self-doubt of intellect, skills or accomplishments among high achieving individuals…”

The Convener, Mrs. Adebimpe Adeniyi, made the call at  her 50th birthday celebration and a bimonthly awareness and transformational  children programme.
The event with a theme:  Mingle to Stand, Confidence was held at Lagbasa Lagos.

The group is concerned about   helping traumatised and vulnerable children find wholeness, navigate life more easily and   add value to the society. She observed that a lot of children have experienced trauma to the point that it has impacted their physical, mental, and social well-being.”

She added that some children cannot relate with other children because of imposter syndrome at different levels, cultivated in them by internal and external influences.

Children should believe in themselves. They should be equipped with the tools and skills needed for intrapersonal relationships, to enhance their level of self-awareness, to unlock their potential, and launch theirself-confidence. Adeniyi disclosed that the bimonthly awareness and transformational  programme  is focused  on children and theit parents.

“We are concerned about vulnerable and traumatised children. Our targeted audience are Primary School children – one year  to 20 years, while secondary audience are parents.”

According to  Adeniyi, “This vision was birthed from the pain and hurt of my early traumatising experiences.” Adeniyi said: “Destiny has now placed me in a space that serves as a constant reminder of my battles with the negative consequences of internalised trauma and the PTSD that results from it as I go through life.”

“The unfavorable consequences prevented me from successfully climbing the ladder of success to the top, instead, I remained on the step I had previously ascended before life happened,”she disclosed.

”Our mission is helping children de-cluster from the pain and hurt of their past, and building a Growth Mindset and the right values  in  children.
We  make children catalysts for growth, positive change  and service to humanity.

Earlier on, Cleanliness is next to godliness as popular maxim, the group and children collectively  cleaned some part of Lagbasa community   as  service to Humanity with supervision of   the speakers and team members .

The highpoint of event includes film show and games and Refreshments. The foundation’s core values which includes   Service, Compassion Honesty, Empathy, Discipline Uniqueness Leadership and Excellence.


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