Group emphasises importance of leadership training to organisational goals

The Muslim Congress (TMC) has emphasised the importance of leadership workshops to the attainment of organisational goals. The Amir of TMC, Alhaji AbdulWasi’i Bangbala said this at the opening of the 2023 National Leadership Workshop (NLW) organised for national, state and local government executives of the organisation.

Bangbala, who stressed that the workshop was critical to the TMC’s lifelong vision of societal reformation, said the programme marked another significant step forward in the relentless quest to develop a continuous improvement mindset across the rank and file of the organisation.
The two-day hybrid event with the theme: ‘Attaining Organisational Resilience’, attracted participants from nine states of the federation, namely; Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo, Kwara, Edo, Niger, and FCT, Abuja, including the host State, Lagos.
In an address, Alhaji Bangbala said; “The yearly National Leadership Workshop (NLW) is an essential part of our mission at The Congress, guided by the vision to raise foremost and strong-minded leaders that would commit to making true and measurable contributions to our organisation’s lifelong vision of societal reformation.
“As a legacy from the visionary leadership of our forerunners, we have this avowed commitment to create an enduring culture of curiosity that allows for personal and organisational transformation in an atmosphere that enables change and innovation.
“After almost three decades since our organisation was founded, it is paramount that we build a positive capacity that helps to adapt to any kind of disruption, for it is only a resilient organisation that can handle any crisis or problem thrown its way,” he said.
The Amir noted that the focus of this year’s workshop is to mould members into able personages who can motivate and empower others and are capable of building coalitions of stakeholders across the organisation when it comes to tackling complex issues.
While appreciating members who travelled the distance to attend the leadership workshop, Alhaji Bangbala charged participants to come out of the sessions with firm determination and zest to achieve improved efficiency and effective levels of performance.
Chairman, Governing Council of the Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals (IIFP) and Lecturer University of Lagos, Prof. Tajudeen Yusuf, in his presentation, cited different scenarios to demonstrate the importance of Shura (decision by consensus) which he described as a cogent factor responsible for returning organisations to their glorious days.
Yusuf said Shura as a tool is the command of Almighty Allah in the glorious Qur’an (3:159 and the whole of chapter 42), adding that, “as Muslims, we must ensure that all stakeholders are carried along in the work of Da’wah.”
According to him, historically, the Prophet (SAW) was commanded by Allah to still consult his companions in the affairs of the Deen and the State despite the outcome of the unfortunate incident that happened during the battle of Uhud.
“The Shura tool is supposed to be utilised by the leadership to carry everybody along. It involves inclusivity and allows them to participate in matters that affect them. That’s the best way to galvanise an organisation towards achieving its objectives. When they are consulted and their opinions are sought, it gives them a sense of belonging and once that is done, they will be more committed to the mission unlike when decisions are taken on their behalf,” he said.
Yusuf explained that TMC has been using this tool to run the affairs of the organisation, which houses different sets of people, including professionals, artisans and even children, women and the vulnerable, among others.

His words: “Aside from organisational benefits, the use of Shura is also necessary in a Muslim community because it gives the minorities a sense of belonging. The Prophet (SAW) applied the tool in Madinah with the Jews and Christians during the formation of a Constitution that would regulate the affairs of the heterogeneous society. They are all stakeholders.
“This is very useful in Nigeria today. Muslims alone do not constitute the citizens of the world. There are non-Muslims too. We have to carry them along, so as not to allow Shaytan to use them against us.”
Yusuf called on the participants to see themselves as ambassadors of Islam and utilise the tool in carrying all members of the society along as they move to spread the message of Islam to all, noting that there is also a need for leadership to do a follow-up.
“When you give instructions to your followers through SMS, follow it up with calls to confirm if they received your message because some might not have gotten the message. So, follow-up is necessary. It will assist them to mobilise and achieve better results than when you don’t do follow-up,” he noted.


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