Group harps on good leadership as panacea for prosperous nation

Ameerah Lagos District, The Criterion, Hajia Maryam Saba (left); District VI Tutor-General/Permanent Secretary, Dr. Shareefah Adejoke Yusuf; Former National Amir of The Companion, Alhaji Wale Sonaike, Representative of Chairman Isolo LCDA, Alhaji Salisu Sikiru and Amir Lagos District The Companion, Alhaji Abd’Kabirlah Baruwa during the yearly seminar of The Criterion in Lagos.

The Criterion (an association of Muslim women in business and professions) has called on Muslims to be interested in leadership and governance of the country.

It argued that the presence of good Muslims at the helms of affairs would stop corruption, adding that Islam is a complete way of life that touches all aspects of human activities including politics.

Speaking during the yearly seminar of the association, the Ameerah, The Criterion Lagos district, Hajia Maryam Saba, said it is obligatory for Muslims to review their political inclusion in the nation, as the endemic corruption that is destroying Nigeria’s values has become a menace to the growth of individuals and the nation.

She said the association is passionate about the welfare of women, children and the less-privileged in the society.

“In our drive to promote family and societal peace and tranquility, this year’s theme, which is ‘Set me over the storehouses of the land, I will indeed guard them as one that knows their importance’ was conceived from Q12: 55,” she said.
She urged Muslims to participate actively in the coming general election.
“The election will be here in a few weeks, let us ensure we obtain our voter’s card, pray for our nation and seek for Allah’s guidance in voting for the right candidates. Let us contribute to the discussion and ask questions that will add value to us as Ummah.”

Chairman of the occasion, former national Amir of The Companion, Alhaji Wale Sonaike, commended the association on its choice of topic, saying the event showcased Islam through The Criterion.
“You have just participated in a forum that anticipates liberation of the people of Nigeria. It is the failure of leadership in the country that put us where we are today.”

The guest lecturer, CEO of Azetas Integrated Environmental Service Limited, Hajia Azeezat Raji, said Muslims are vicegerents of Allah on earth and are the agents of good change, and so, should show interest in how the state is being governed.
“The 2023 general election should be a resolution on the part of Muslims. Our political space is full of corrupt politicians, so, more Muslims should endeavour to come out to participate in the political process as this will go a long way to minimise corruption in the country.”

She urged Muslims to focus on identifying Muslims with good conduct to run for political space or participate in administrative positions, adding that such individuals must possess good characters. “It is not enough to elect people into position and relax, we must hold our leaders accountable to ensure they remain committed and be a good ambassador of Islam in governance.”

She added that Muslims elected into public offices must exhibit exemplary lifestyles, as they will be accountable to Allah on judgment day. “Muslims must take it as a priority to monitor activities of those who emerge as leaders in various elective positions,” she said.
Raji called on Muslim organisations to bind forces together and sponsor credible Muslim candidates to run for viable political positions. “Forums or gathering like Ramadan and Jumat services should be used to enlighten Muslims on their role in leadership and electoral process.
“Organisations like Ansar-ud-deen, Jamatul Islam, NASFAT, Criterion, and Companion among, a host of others can encourage their members to donate money to buy forms for a responsible Muslim candidate who does not have the resources. The money donated by each member of these societies can be enough to buy forms and sponsor members who are upright and have the fear of Allah,” Raji suggested.

She advised parents to encourage their children to always take leadership positions in wherever they found themselves.

Guest Speaker, Professor Tajudeen Yusuf, urged leaders to see leadership position as a trial from Allah, as they will be accountable on the day of judgment.
“Whatever position you find yourself in today, is a trial from Allah. The leadership position is not for pleasure, but hard work.”
He added that corrupt activities is high in public offices because of the socity placing excessive demands and high expectations from people occupying leadership seats.
“How can there be good governance when expectations from our leaders are corruptive? We should refrain from unnecessary demands from our leaders.”

He said many leaders see public office as a family entitlement.
“We don’t bother about who qualifies for a position or job role. So far, the organisation is headed by our family member employment is automatic. We should all desist from such mindset.”
He advised Muslims not to shy away from leadership positions because politics is an act of worship in Islam.

He urged Muslim women to be weary of high demands from their husbands, as most corrupt get involved due to their women’s high demands. “ There are some women out there who usually advise their men not to get involved in corrupt means of livelihood.”


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