Group harps on Islamic etiquettes to tackle societal vices

Islamic etiquettes in greeting. Photo:Islamicity

Maktab for Da’wah and Charity Foundation has called on Muslim faithful to adhere to Islamic etiquettes of parenting to tackle society vices.

The three-day seminar, themed, ‘Moral Decadence in the Society: Causes and Solutions’ brought together over a thousand Muslims and offered free medical outreach and empowered the vulnerable.

Speaking at the event, the Chief Imam of Lekki, Sheik Ridwan Jamiu, reiterated on the utilitisation of Islamic education to remediate the moral decadence among Muslim individuals of various age groups. He implored the parents to adhere to Islamic upbringing of their children.

“God makes us a leader and example for our children, if you desire moral values in your children, you must embody morality yourself. We must demonstrate and practice the moral we wish to instill in our children through our own behaviour.” He said.
Guest speaker, Dr MunirudeenSalahudeen, emphasised the dutifulness of children to their parents on which he said Almighty Allah commands children to honour and show kindness to their parents.

“Whatever that you’re enjoying today is not as a result of your own struggle, you’re just one of the dividends of the investment of your parents. Whatever wealth you must have gathered you haven’t succeeded yet, until you’ve taken care of your parents, and your own children have achieved successful.” Dr Salaudeen stated.

Also, Iya Sunnah of Lagos, AlhajaMuinatuSopeyin, expressed concern about uncontrollable moral decadence among the youths in the societies, saying this has led the nation to bear the harsh brunt consequences of immorality.

She added that parents and religious leaders must serve as exemplary figures and a source of pride in Islam for the youth.

She also charged parents to be cautious about their children’s social life, and keep an eye on how they respond to social situations.
“We have lost moral valuew and faithfulness in the children we have today due to improper upbringing. If parents fail to instill good qualities in their children, then the children will fail in terms of morality.”

Another guest speaker, Dr Haruna Sanusi, from Kwara State, expressed the necessity for Islamic leaders to ensure the conveyance of the Islamic message especially on the topics which are contemporary issues affecting the Muslim Ummah.

He added that moral decadence, detrimental to national peace and security, calls for inculcating the moral values among the youths.

Dr Sanusi expressed concerns about how some Muslims have abused social media and the internet, against the Islamic teachings of sociality.

“There is a need to curb the [ugly] trend of immoralities, because Islam teaches morals and it is a religion of peace. We need to reconcile our brothers on moral values, we need to preach that peace and tranquility should be the foundation of a healthy and ideal Muslim society.

“We need to foster brotherhood and teach the young Muslims the need to intentionalise the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah, and to be the perfect example of what Islam truly represent.” He said.

He also emphasised the importance of Islamic education for the children, and rearing them with righteous character and value.

He noted that when parents neglect their responsibilities for proper child upbringing, then the societies would be at the forefront to pay for the consequences of the abdication of such responsibilities., to organise a public seminar on moral decadence in the society.
