Group laments politicians using looted funds to hold power

Lai Omotola

The Pro-Nigeria Group (PNG) has lamented that 22 years after democracy, politicians have continued to use looted funds to perpetually hold on power to preserve the loot.

The Convener of PNG, Lai Omotola, at the unveiling of PNG, yesterday, noted that the nation’s democracy is still standing on one leg 22 years after, blaming politicians for looting the nation’s commonwealth.

“You will see this as politicians move from opposition to ruling party to escape prosecution. The politicians have decimated our entire institutions from the judiciary to legislature, to media, to education, to healthcare, with none working. The politicians have blocked separation of powers and have rendered our democracy unworkable. Power is now in the hands of the few by the few and for the few,” he noted.

Omotola said the 1999 constitution had not worked, because politicians continued to breach the constitution, stressing that if politicians could not obey the constitution, any other constitution would be a waste of time.

On the way forward, he said the first thing is to fight for true separation of power and return power to the people, just as there was need to scrap all state independent electoral commissions, as they have become tools governors use to put local councils in their pocket.

“All elections from ward to presidency should be conducted by Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). Until we liberate our local council, we cannot have a participatory democracy. Secondly, the rule of law is key. The president should allow future Inspector General of Police be by succession instead of the highly politicised selection that has diminished the police.

“Until the Police is reformed along strict professionalism, the issue of election rigging and insecurity will persist. Our judiciary should be autonomous to enable rule of law. We should ensure the constitution works,” he stated.

Omotola explained that PNG was being inaugurated to promote Nigeria, which has become unpopular, lamenting that more than ever, the voices of those agitating for separation has become so loud.

He said in as much as they were entitled to their views and expression of interest, it would only be fair for other views of unity to be heard, adding that the silence of the elite over the unity of this country is wicked and evil.

“This elite have benefited immensely from Nigeria and there cannot be a better time for them to voice out. When we decided to form this group, we realised how afraid people have become to mention Nigeria and how people within their minds believe Nigeria is gone.

“There are over a thousand reasons this country should separate, but there is just one reason the country should not breakaway. The reason is because there is no plan for the separation,” he stated.

According to Omotola, there is a need for new thought leaders, saying “our thought leaders have expired and until we subject ourselves to critical thinking instead of propaganda and intimidation, the country’s future is bleak.

“We need to engage ourselves, it seems tough, but at the same time possible. There is nothing novel in destruction of lives and property. The best general is he that resolves crisis without using a bullet. Our leadership must come up higher.”

Omotola disclosed that PNG would be organising the first Pro-Nigeria Summit on October 1, 2021, revealing that the group would be organising national essay completion on why Nigeria should stay together from primary school category to university.

Also, a human rights activist, Emmanuel Malagu lamented the problem of ethnic rivalry, conflicts and insecurity rocking the country, saying most Nigerian felt at home in any part of the country in the past.


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