Group lauds peace moves in PDP, wants N’Central to retain chairmanship

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Ongoing peace moves to reposition the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have been commended by PDP Vanguard for Sustainable Democracy.
Chairman of the group, Alex Ogaba, made this known in a statement to newsmen in Makurdi, yesterday.

The statement entitled ‘Maintaining Stability and Unity Within the Peoples Democratic Party: PDP Vanguard for Sustainable Democracy, North Central Zone’s Position on National Championship’, noted that Sen. Iyorchia Ayu was elected on October 31, 2021 alongside other national officials to pilot the affairs of the party for four years, following the crisis that rocked the Uche Secondus-led National Working Committee (NWC).

The group described, as timely, the series of meetings being held to ensure that the party’s internal crisis, as a result of the outcome of the last presidential primary, is resolved.

The statement, however, cautioned those making frantic efforts to resolve the issue to ensure that the national chairmanship position did not leave North Central.

Maintaining that it would be unfair to take the chairmanship away from North Central at the moment, the group frowned on the clamour by some members in other zones.

It called on stakeholders from North Central to forge a common front to ensure that their tenure is not truncated.

The statement reads: “We earnestly appeal to our esteemed party leaders to exercise utmost caution and restraint, ensuring that their actions do not further divide our party. We must learn from past experiences, such as the recent formation of G-5, which bears a striking resemblance to the New PDP during the Goodluck Jonathan administration. We all bore witnesses to the outcomes of these separate fallout.

“To revive our great party and reclaim our former glory, we must find common ground and unite behind our shared ideals and values.”

It insisted that the group’s position was borne out of the desire for fair play, advising party leaders to “carefully consider this plea and make decisions that will promote inclusivity, fairness and collective interest of PDP.”


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