Group protest in Abuja, demands the sack of INEC Chairman

Members of Free Nigeria Movement ( FNM ) during the press conference in Abuja on Monday.

Members of the Free Nigeria Movement on Monday, protested in Abuja over their displeasure at the outcome of the recently conducted Presidential election and the role played by the Chairman, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Professor Mahmood Yakubu.

The convener of the group, Dr Moses Paul, who spoke during the protest, insisted that the conduct of the election was marred by too many irregularities and pockets of ethnic-inspired violence. Consequently, the outcome was brazenly against the will of the people.

Paul, therefore, made four demands on behalf of the group among which was the immediate sack and prosecution of the INEC Chairman.

He said: “In the last 21 days, we have made a consistent call for the cancellation of the Presidential election, risking our lives amidst threats of attack by political thugs and violent merchants some of whom have since camped at the Unity Fountain.

“We have made presentations to the governments of the United States, Britain and the Country Representatives of the United Nations, European Union and ECOWAS Commission.

“Our demands remain the immediate sack, arrest and prosecution of Prof. Mahmoud Yakubu, cancellation of the Presidential election of February 25, compensation of all victims of electoral violence as well as the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Committee in Lagos and other flashpoints of violence.”

The group through its convener also disclosed their disappointment with the statement issued by Prof. Wole Soyinka.

He submitted that: “it was on record that Prof. Wole Soyinka never condemned the shameless episode of ethnic profiling, instigation and hate speech by as Musiliu Akinsanya (a.k.a MC Oluomo), Bayo Ononuga, Femi Fani Kayode and a host of other persons.

“The Prof. should be a father to all Nigerians irrespective of ethnicity, religion, party or social affiliations. We, therefore, call for the boycott of his books, articles, events and all public engagements that celebrate his literary achievements which as of today, do not recognize the well-being of the ordinary Nigerian. We need role models and not sell-outs”, Paul added.

The group finally reiterated their commitment to a united, democratic and prosperous Nigeria.


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