Group rejects allegations, affirms loyalty to Itsekiri nation, King Ogiame Atuwatse III

King Ogiame Atuwatse III

The Itsekiri Renaissance Group has issued a press release in response to what they term a “concerted blackmail plot” orchestrated by a group claiming to represent Iwere people. The release, signed by Patrick H. Doyle, Chairman of the Media Committee of the Itsekiri Renaissance Group, vehemently denies the allegations made in the document purportedly from the Iwere Consultative Forum and dismisses it as unworthy of intellectual engagement.

The Itsekiri Renaissance Group expresses its “astonishment” at the tone and blatant falsehoods contained in the document, which they believe is an attempt to undermine the growing sense of Itsekiri nationalism fostered by the coronation of King Ogiame Atuwatse III (CFR).

While choosing not to provide a point-by-point rebuttal due to the “contradictions and lack of logic” within the document, the group firmly reiterates its unwavering loyalty to the Itsekiri people, land, and crown, symbolized by Ogiame Atuwatse III.

According to the press release, the Itsekiri Renaissance Group’s stance reflects the collective aspirations of “true sons and daughters of Iwere Land.” They condemn the “misguided minority” who have aligned themselves with the retrogressive agenda of their alleged puppet master, urging them to reconsider their actions.

In light of the current political landscape, characterized by a seemingly pro-Itsekiri central administration, the press release emphasizes the need for unity among the Itsekiri people.

The Itsekiri Renaissance Group calls upon the Iwere community to come together, transcending the agenda of a few individuals who have held Itsekiri political leadership hostage for an extended period. Drawing strength from their deep-rooted Christian faith, the group finds solace in the scripture, specifically Proverbs 19:21, which declares that despite the devices in man’s heart, the counsel of the LORD shall prevail.

READ MORE: Itsekiri leaders task Olu of Warri on tradition, unity

The Itsekiri Renaissance Group’s press release sheds light on the perspective of those who support Ogiame Atuwatse III’s reign and the unity of the Itsekiri people. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the ongoing tensions within the Itsekiri community will be resolved and if efforts to restore trust and harmony will be successful.

Read the press release below:

The Itsekiri Renaissance Group notes with utter consternation the concerted blackmail plot by a clique of individuals who feel threatened by the new sense of Itsekiri nationalism engendered by the coronation of our beloved King , Ogiame Atuwatse III (CFR). More precisely,  we are astounded by the tone and blatant lies contained in a vile document purportedly emanating from a shadowy group calling themselves “Iwere Consultative Forum.” The glaring contradictions and the acrobatic liberty taken with logic and decency make the document unworthy of intellectual engagement, hence our decision not to dignify it with a point for point rebuttal.

However, the Itsekiri Renaissance Group wishes to restate our unalloyed loyalty to the Itsekiri People, Land , and Crown as symbolised in the person of Ogiame Atuwatse III (CFR). Our stance is indeed representative of the wishes of all true sons and daughters of Iwere Land .

The misguided and ill motivated minority who have lent themselves to the actualization of the retrogressive agenda of their mischievous puppet master had better retrace their steps.

The convergence of providence and the emergence of a seemingly pro Itsekiri central  administration demands that Oma Iwere  come together to ventilate and articulate our common aspirations that transcend the nefarious agenda of the band of carpet baggers who have held Itsekiri political leadership hostage for some decades now. As the foremost ethnicity to embrace the Christian faith, we are consoled in the scripture that declares in Proverbs 19:21 “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand”.

Patrick H. Doyle

Chairman, Media Committee

Itsekiri Renaissance Group
