Group seeks better deal for persons with disabilities

As the May Day celebration holds today, Muslim Association of Visually Impaired of Nigeria (MAVIN) has urged the President-elect, Bola Tinubu, and governors-elect to provide jobs and opportunities for persons with disabilities across the federation.
In a statement, the group’s president, AbdulWasi Salaudeen, said Nigerian workers deserve to be celebrated.
He noted that despite all odds, workers still fulfil their part of bargain with employers.

His words: “We all deserve the accolades for successfully comporting ourselves before, during and after the elections in a peaceful, accommodating and responsible manner, with considerable due regard for our diverse ethnicity, religious difference and political plurality.
“We believe that we will, in no time overcome the minor regrettable challenges we have witnessed as fallouts of the general elections, and emerge stronger and more united as a people towards a greater country that we desire.

“MAVINS congratulates the President-elect and all other winners across board. We will not hesitate to quickly add that the victory you have earned from the elections should not by any means be taken for granted, but be seen as a weighty responsibility that the Nigerian electorate have bestowed on you.”
“The onus lies on you to reciprocate this priceless gesture, by not only being magnanimous in victory, but also living up to the responsibilities of your offices, to justify the mandate given you.
“As you prepare to be sworn in later in the month, we want to urge you to roll up your sleeves ahead of the enormous tasks waiting for you. Nigerians yearn for a goal-oriented and purposeful leadership that would match words with actions, and translate promises into economic prosperity and a positive social transformation in the overall interest of the masses.”


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