Group tasks contenders for 10th N’Assembly leadership on civility, patriotism

Nigeria Senate
Nigeria Senate

Nigeria Senate
National Assembly. Photo/facebook/TopeBrown/NigerianSenate

A Pro-Bola Tinubu presidency group, Renewed Hope Advocates (RHA), has advised contenders for leadership positions in the 10th National Assembly to shun religion and ethnicity-based campaigns.

The group’s Director-General, Olufemi-Daniels Agbaoku, in a statement, said the direction of campaigns by those vying for offices of the Senate President and House Speaker was disturbing due to the deliberate attempt to whip religion and ethnic cards, which he noted, are counterproductive.
Agbaoku said: “One of the greatest takeaways from the election of the President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, is that it has defeated religion in the politics of our nation with his Muslim-Muslim ticket, and all we have to do now is to sustain that effort and take out that enemy of Nigeria (religion) from her politics.
“After all, this is not the first time we are having same faith leadership at the National Assembly, and heaven did not fall. In fact, the Muslims never made a fuss of it. But the Christians cannot continue to stoke religion politics, because it is nothing, but defeatist.
“In our not-too-distant history, we had a David Mark and Ike Ekweremadu head the National Assembly leadership and both were Christians, who held their grounds without pandering to sentiments. We have to move past this, and the 10th National Assembly provides the opportunity for that.”
He continued: “If we recall, running a Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket appeared the biggest challenge for Asiwaju Tinubu, but the man held his ground, because he knew what damage religion has done to the fabric of our politics and God eventually used him to kill that monster in our politics.
“The election of the 10th National Assembly is part of the 2023 run and the federal legislature is not an appendage of the executive, but a distinct and complementary arm of government. It should be allowed to choose the best of them in the overall interest of the nation. This is part of moving past primitive religion and ethnic politics.”


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